The Arbutus Series is inspired by British Columbia’s West Coast and in particular, the Arbutus menziesii, a tree native to the Pacific Northwest and Northern California regions. Where land meets water is a meditative place of energy, mystery and spirit and it is here that the Arbutus tree is largely found. The West Coast Arbutus series is painted in water-soluble oils on canvas. They originate from photographs taken on the Sunshine Coast and on sailing trips around the Gulf Islands. The artistic intent is to subtly anthropomorphize the trees; the twisted and peeling limbs of the Arbutus are reminiscent of human limbs and muscles reaching for a share of the light and trusting their roots to cling to the shore. The paintings are composed as framing devices through which can be seen sky, ocean, cloud formations, islands, and distant shores. They capture the brilliant summer light of the West Coast with bold colours and sharp contrasts between light and shade.